Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ella's First Thanksgiving

This was little Ella's first Thanksgiving! While I don't think she was too impressed with anyone's cooking, she was a happy little clam to be ooohed and aaahed over all day and all night. She is a baby who LOVES to be held and today, let me tell you, she was not set down a moment!
Anyhow, this is the outfit she rocked last night... today she wore something similar, but the Gap skirt was replaced by similar jeans. She still had on her Cable Sweater and booties though.
Oh! And as a side note: I've never heard so many people tell me that she looks like her mama! Seems like she's growing to resemble me more and more each day ( :


jenny said...

oh lavenda! she is soooo cute! and i love her little outfit, those little mittens are adorable! how is nursing going? has the pain passed?

Lavenda Memory said...

Oh I know! Her little mittens are from babies r us. Tiny little things... ( : Yes! The pain has passed with nursing. We actually canceled our the procedure to have her frenulum cut. I'm sooo relieved ( :