Whew! I didn't post any new outfits this week because I was working on a bajillion deadlines. Along with making returns, editing orders and sending out call sheets for upcoming shoots, it has been ca-ray-zeeee! I have a fabulous shoot planned for tomorrow though and then have Sunday OFF, which means I will be buzzing over our awesome shots while cramming my face with maple bacon donuts in 48 hours.
Some GREAT news! An editorial I shot for Zooey Magazine will hit the shelves in March. I can't wait to get my box of prints... Which reminds me, I'll be posting scans of my LadyGunn shoot that came out last issue. Jena Malone was on the cover. Eeeeek!
Other awesomeness- I will be on "the other side" of the camera in a couple weeks with Boon Rodriquez who is an amazing Lifestyle Photographer here in Portland. He planned a "fashion stylist" themed shoot for me, where I'm the fashionista on the go... I think they'll translate into some amazing promo shots for my bio page PLUS help me garner some print work. Whooo hooo!
Here's a shot of me in front of my wardrobe from the other night...

Some GREAT news! An editorial I shot for Zooey Magazine will hit the shelves in March. I can't wait to get my box of prints... Which reminds me, I'll be posting scans of my LadyGunn shoot that came out last issue. Jena Malone was on the cover. Eeeeek!
Other awesomeness- I will be on "the other side" of the camera in a couple weeks with Boon Rodriquez who is an amazing Lifestyle Photographer here in Portland. He planned a "fashion stylist" themed shoot for me, where I'm the fashionista on the go... I think they'll translate into some amazing promo shots for my bio page PLUS help me garner some print work. Whooo hooo!
Here's a shot of me in front of my wardrobe from the other night...
You are one busy lady! and look...still smiling! :)
Definitely crazy busy! Can't wait for a vaca, Alice!
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